Passive Income Pro 
Accelerator Coaching

Paid Now. Paid Monthly. Paid in Perpetuity.
Discover How to Create True Time & Money Freedom FASTER 
With a Proven Real Estate Investing Method and System 
From Coaches Actually Doing Deals Every Week
PLUS: Collaborate and Connect With Other Hungry Real Estate Investors to 
Accelerate the Growth of Your Own Passive Income Portfolio

Passive Income Pro Coaching

Paid Now. Paid Monthly. Paid in Perpetuity.
Discover How to Create True Time & Money Freedom FASTER 
With a Proven Real Estate Investing Method and System 
From Coaches Actually Doing Deals Every Week
PLUS: Collaborate and Connect With Other Hungry Real Estate Investors to 
Accelerate the Growth of Your Own Passive Income Portfolio

We will PERSONALLY work with you one-on-one and give you our entire business model so you can jump start your passive income and rapidly increase your net worth over the next 12 months!
Your Important First Step to Real Success and 
Avoiding the Pitfalls of Going it Alone
Here's What's Included:
The Passive Income Pro Acceleration Collection
Every day we operate from FIVE Core Profit Pillars and Disciplines within the Passive Income Pro Accelerator System:






Leverage the exact same step-by-step systems, checklists and templates within each Profit Pillar that we use every day to find deals, help raise capital to fund the deal, renovate properties and help qualify aspiring homeowners that generate consistent passive income payments every month. 

We've created the systems so you don’t have to.

Learn exactly what to do, when to do it, and how to scale and build your team to hit your goals faster.

This collection of Checklists and Systems is ever-expanding and constantly improving as we systemize and scale the growth of our own portfolio.

Since we are actively doing this business, we continue to learn new about tactics, strategies, and resources that help to streamline each of our processes.

And we share it all with you!
These Time Saving Checklists include (but not limited to):
  • Pre-Funding Due Diligence Checklist
  •  Private Lender Funding Checklist
  •  Transaction Coordination Checklist
  •  Renovation Scope of Work Checklist
  •  Final Contractor Walkthrough Checklist
  •  Final Tenant Buyer Walkthrough Checklist
  •  Rent to Own Checklist
  •  Contract for Deed Checklist
E-Mail, Letter & Campaign Templates:
  •  Private Lender Wowing Welcome Package
  •  Fund it Fast™ Templates
  •  Loan Summary Template
  •  Tenant Buyer Underwriting Template
Deal Structuring & Asset Management Hotline
Your “Passive Income Lifeline” right when you need it, regardless of which area of business you're working on. Get UNLIMITED Voxer Coaching with same day answers for your time-sensitive questions on real estate and note deals you’re working on right now.

Weekly "Let's Go Pro" Training Sessions
Check the group calendar to join us live each week for Open Q&A calls and Training Sessions like “Marketing Monday", "Team Building Tuesday", "Fund it Fast Friday" and other sessions with Travis and the Expert Board of Advisors.

NOTE: All calls and training sessions are recorded and posted in the Members Area for ongoing access with your group membership.
Three 2-Day "Deep Dive" Mastermind Summits
Take advantage of the opportunity to get "off site" and work "on" your business for two intense days - hearing success stories, sharing best practices and getting critical feedback on suggestions on issues you're having in your business. 

Build relationships with like-minded group members that are in hot pursuit of similar goals that you have, too. 
We'll roll up our sleeves as a group and deep dive into scaling your business and breaking down your actual real estate properties and note files.

NOTE: One of these Summits will be in San Diego and the other two locations to be announced shortly after polling group members.

How to Build Your Own Passive Income Pro Power Team
Real estate investing is a TEAM sport! A passive income generating business that provides complete time and money freedom and long term security depends on a world class team of A-Players following a proven system...both your internal team and your team of third party service providers.

You'll learn how to maximize "The T.I.M. Factor" - Teammates In Motion - every day in your business.

Avoid the landmines we've encountered and discover how to attract the right people aligned with your energy and vision.

High-speed vetting systems and sharing of key vendors and service providers to learn who you want to work with… and who to avoid.

Interviews With the Experts:
Tap into our ongoing “Interview With the Expert” training calls/podcasts/webinars with Travis and other special guest experts from our group of Expert Faculty and Board of Advisors built specifically for this group:
  •  Topic Specific "Best Practices" Training
  •  Open Q&A
Faculty Will Include:
  •  Finance and Mortgage Professionals
  •  Real Estate Marketing Professionals
  •  Owners and Executives of Third Party Real Estate Related Vendors and Service Providers
  •  Business experts and consultants
  •  Accountants and CPAs
  •  Real Estate and Corporate Attorneys
  •  Other Real Estate Business Owners Who've Achieved Financial Freedom
Exclusive Access to Private Passive Income Pro 
Accelerator Coaching Members Only Website
Which Includes…
  •  All of Our Checklists and Systems
  •  Archive of All Group Training Calls and Webinars
  •  Recordings of all live Two Day Intensive Passive Income Pro workshops, masterclasses and other web trainings.
  •  Group Vetted Vendor & Service Provider Rolodex
Private Passive Income Pro Accelerator Coaching Members Only Facebook Group
Interact with the Capstone Funding Group team and other high level deal makers, “doers” and other Passive Income Pro's.

Get your questions answered fast and connect with other Passive Income Pro Accelerator Coaching Group members.
Exclusive Member-Only Discounts on Other Passive Income Pro Specialty Workshops & Training Programs
Enjoy discounted pricing on select products, services, and special events.
Training Topics Include:
  •  Marketing Automation & Funnel Building
  •  Seller Finance
  •  Raising Capital
  •  Self-Directed IRA Investing
  •  Evaluating, Buying & Selling Performing Notes
  •  Trusts & Asset Protection
  •  Estate Planning
Case Study Corner:
See what active and closed deals are going on with CFG and within the group and learn "What's Working Now" and get inspired with:
  •  Live, “Look Over Our Shoulder” actual case studies fresh from CFG’s portfolio
  •  Group member case study and deal structuring spotlights. Experience what others are doing.
  •  Open Q&A
Members-Only Priority Access to Asset Purchases
Buy real estate notes or properties directly with Capstone Funding Group… or team up with CFG on larger portfolio purchases.
Special Passive Income Pro Coaching
"Founding Member Only" Bonuses
  •  You will receive ongoing One-on-One Consultations with Travis as needed
  •  Travis Promises to help you attract a Minimum of $200,000 in Private Money
  •  You'll get to Re-Use the Private Money over and over again without origination fees
  •  Travis will facilitate a Real Estate Attorney Consultation upon request
  •  Travis will provide a Rehab Consultation upon request
  •  Travis will co-present Webinar(s) Presentation(s) with you upon request
  •  50% Discount on Fund it Fast Funnel build out and Website Listing Exchange to manage your Property Marketing and Deal Alerts
If You Get Accepted Into the Passive Income Pro 
Accelerator Coaching Group, Here's How it Will Work...
1) First, you'll hop on a deep-dive call so we can learn all the details of your business and chart out how to best help you reach your goals!

2) Then we will literally give you everything you need...

3) Get all your burning questions answered with direct access to Travis and other coaches for mentoring and support via Voxer, email, and a private Facebook group.

4) You'll attend 3 mastermind meetings with some of the top investors in the nation, where we'll share and swap secrets that will help you explode your business! 

5) We connect you with our contacts, give you our exact documents and materials, and work with you one-on-one to copy exactly what we're doing.

6) Bottom line is, we will get you what you need so you can take your business where you want it to go!
And Did We Already Mention You Can Get ALL Your Questions Answered 24 Hours A Day With 
Apply Today for Passive Income Pro Accelerator Coaching Group:
1. Accountability
We live in a world of endless distractions set to derail your BIG dreams and goals. The Passive Income Pro Accelerator Coaching Group is set up to keep you laser focused, create and maintain momentum, and turn your BIG dreams and goals into reality.
2. Bigger Thinking Leading to Bigger Achievements
"The Power of Consistent Association" with a group of high achievers will inspire you to bigger and better goals and outcomes than you thought possible on your own...and help provide you the resources to get you there faster.
3. Problem Solving
No matter how amazing you are at what you do, roadblocks and obstacles will surface creating new challenges for you and your business. Markets are cyclical and always changing. Leveraging the experience of other investors who have already navigated through these challenges before allows you to ask better questions and quickly find the best solutions. Finding quality deals, hiring and managing as you build out your A Team and attracting the capital needed to fund your deals are a few of the core activities requiring constant attention.
4. Profit & Productivity Boosters to Help You Scale
Scaling your business is not just about top line revenues. Avoiding over improving your properties is a key to better profit margins. Fine tuning marketing campaigns that convert drives consistent lead flow and market share. Streamlined systems provide for plenty of free time to enjoy the rewards of your labors and allow you to focus on the things that matter most.
5. Like Minded People to Join and Support You in Your Journey
Success can be lonely. How fun is success in a vacuum? It isn't! Surround yourself with like-minded people with similar goals. This way you'll have a group to help you celebrate the victories as well as overcome the struggles. We work smart...we work hard...but we make time to play hard and have fun, too!
6. Strategic Partnerships & Opportunities
There's more to this coaching group other than just the exchange of information and some awesome trips to cool places in the world. Group members will become valuable strategic partners to help you structure and take down bigger opportunities you might not be able to do on your own. This accelerates your success and reduces risk. 
7. Access
An Expert Board of Advisors will help you gain access to new information not available to the general public. The result with this new information? More opportunities with investors, sellers, borrowers and tenants in different niches and markets.
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